Customs • Freight • Logistics

We are customs experts who make your cross-border shipping, exporting and importing effortless.


We get your freight cleared and where it needs to be – on time!

We are an experienced, full-service customs brokerage firm serving all industries. You name it, we move it!  Specialists in the film and entertainment industry.

Whether you’re shipping goods across the border or around the world, trust Priority Brokerage Services to get your freight where it needs to be – on time!

30+ years of experience. ~ Trusted worldwide network. ~ Happy clients.

Expect personalized service the ‘big guys’ can’t deliver. Give us a try!

Now serving you from offices in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal and all of Canada.


You can always reach us!

Priority Brokerage Services - Toronto
190 Britannia Road East, Unit 12, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1W6
TEL 905 212 9901
USA 818 736 9274
FAX 905 212 9906
After-Hours Number 416 303 8250

Priority Brokerage Services - Vancouver
Unit 205 - 18428 53 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3S 74A
TEL 604 998 3770
FAX 855 841 5814
After-Hours Number 604 841 8275
General Inquiries

Priority Brokerage Services - Montreal
5815 ch. St-François, Saint-Laurent, QC  H4S 1B6
TEL 905 212 9901